Base Area (2)

C199 Large Cruise Line
Fuel selection for liquid methane (NTR)
Methane storage temperature 100K
Methane storage pressure of 1 bar
Methane density 438.9kg/m ^ 3
Air mass 190778 tons
Fuel tank volume 4541870m ^ 3
Fuel quality 1993427 tons
Quality change 11.44892194%
Thermal nuclear rocket specific impulse 1000s
maximum Δ V 23915.7556m/s

Passengers: 1040 people
Service personnel: 70 people
Medical staff: 10
Passenger area maintenance engineer: 10 people
Interface and front end: 10 management personnel
Agricultural zoning: 30 farmers/biologists/maintenance engineers in total
Warehouse area: 4 warehouse management personnel
Control Center: Captain/Political Commissar/Operators of various ship systems/Track Planning/Navigator/Cruise System Administrator, totaling 40 people
Engine and propulsion system: 20 maintenance engineers
Total number of people: 1234

C199 moored in Triton orbit, the ferry is exchanging passengers and cargo

C199 moored in Triton orbit, the ferry is exchanging passengers and cargo

C199 moored in Triton orbit, the ferry is exchanging passengers and cargo

C199 moored in Triton orbit, the ferry is exchanging passengers and cargo

C199 moored in Triton orbit, the ferry is exchanging passengers and cargo

C199 moored in Triton orbit, the ferry is exchanging passengers and cargo

C199 performing orbital maneuvers near Neptune

C199 performing orbital maneuvers near Neptune