C199 Large Cruise Line
Fuel selection for liquid methane (NTR)
Methane storage temperature 100K
Methane storage pressure of 1 bar
Methane density 438.9kg/m ^ 3
Air mass 190778 tons
Fuel tank volume 4541870m ^ 3
Fuel quality 1993427 tons
Quality change 11.44892194%
Thermal nuclear rocket specific impulse 1000s
maximum Δ V 23915.7556m/s
Passengers: 1040 people
Service personnel: 70 people
Medical staff: 10
Passenger area maintenance engineer: 10 people
Interface and front end: 10 management personnel
Agricultural zoning: 30 farmers/biologists/maintenance engineers in total
Warehouse area: 4 warehouse management personnel
Control Center: Captain/Political Commissar/Operators of various ship systems/Track Planning/Navigator/Cruise System Administrator, totaling 40 people
Engine and propulsion system: 20 maintenance engineers
Total number of people: 1234